ShapeBlock allows deploying of private repos from Github.

The prerequisite is to connect your Github account and give explicit permissions to you Github organization(s) where your repos live.

You can connect your Github account by going to “Settings” in the user menu. The user menu is in the top right of the page with the user icon.

Settings link

There will be an option to “Manage your accounts”.

Manage accounts

This will show up, among other things, an option to connect your Github account.

connect to Github

Once you are successfully connected, it will show up like this.

connected to github

Now, you can go to the app creation page and add your private github repo’s ssh URL in the repo field.

Private repos will not be deployed if you give the https link here.

You can’t change an app’s git repo as a private repo after creating the application.

Possible next steps

Configure your app